Life is the sum of all experiences

LifeScoreOs is the place for all the positive experiences you have had in your life. Simply track and measure them in this database by assigning each experience a set of "experience points". The higher these points are, the better the experience was for you. It is entirely up to you how many points you want to assign to each experience.

By doing this, you will gain a good overview of your life and see what truly makes you a happier person in the end. It's a great step towards getting the most out of your life.

Furthermore, you will also practice gratitude along the way when revisiting your life experiences in the future.

<aside> <img src="/icons/calendar_gray.svg" alt="/icons/calendar_gray.svg" width="40px" /> If you are looking to set a goal to achieve, consider increasing the sum of your experience points from the previous year. After all, your experiences are what matter in the end.

